This weekend the news media bombarded us with some extremely bad news all weekend. Then I turn on the radio, and they are STILL TALKING about it. As a child advocate, it's really disturbing how callously those boys were and still are being treated. As the daughter of a veteran, the military mortuary scandal is horrifying. But, there's nothing I can do if I dwell on it except get angry and depressed, and that does no one any good. So, to find some balance I'm determined to start out everyday seeking GOOD, FUNNY, QUIRKY NEWS on the internet.
A sample of what I found today:
I really appreciate these,
as a parent of a female teenager: Looks My Teen Gives Me
as a married woman: Man Digs Through 9 Tons of Trash for Wife's Ring
as a pet owner: Dog Eats $1000 Cash! ; Truckers Help Rescue Animals (Kleenex alert!)
as a human being: Man Saved by Driver He Helped
as a Jane Austen fan: Jane Austen Would be a Blogger
as someone who loves a good laugh: Funny News Stories (a few are offensive, but the rest are jewels!)
Happy Monday!
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